Hopeful parents receive a hypnotherapy session with a Certified Hypnotherapist
All hopeful parents who utilize a Graceful Beginnings Egg Donor have the option of receiving a complimentary session with a Certified Hypnotherapist via Zoom. Both partners, in the case of a couple, receive an individual session. The meditation portion of this session is recorded so hopeful parents can continue to listen to the recording up to and during the embryo transfer.
Hopeful parents also receive access to an assortment of meditation recordings geared to support individuals in maintaining calm and hope on the journey to parenthood through fertility treatments.
Preliminary research has found that utilizing hypnosis during an embryo transfer can increase the chance of implantation and pregnancy.​

Guided meditation for Egg Donors
All Graceful Beginnings Egg Donors receive meditation recordings to listen to during the egg donor cycle. These recordings support the Egg Donor in remaining calm and focused during the cycle, which can improve the chance of a successful cycle and swift, easy recovery.​